One of the characters of Corinthians as a soccer team is its eternal, unfinishing and incomparable disposition of fighting for the victories, even facing the biggest difficulties. It is due to this vocation that Corinthians passed to be known in the world of soccer as the "virada" team (the one that starts a game being defeated and then win it). The tradition comes from the year of the foundation of the club, when the team was known in São Paulo Várzea as the Fighting Cock from Bom Retiro. But Corinthians started to be called the "virada" team whenever the line-up that conquered the hat-trick in 192829-30 entered the fields. The team had the best attack that time and usually kicked four or five goals whenever it suffered one or two first. It seemed a prepared and machiavelian tactic: Corinthians allowed the opponent to fool itself with the momentary advantage and then struck the lethal blow. In the São Paulo Championship final game in 1930, Santos kicked 1-0 at the second minute; at the end Corinthians commemorated the hat-trick with a 5-1 victory. Like this, there are several examples showing that for Corinthians - and for its fans - there will never be a defeat while the ball is still rolling and a black and white heart is behind it. After all, Corinthians has the power of reaction in the blood till today, a legacy from the times when the outside forwards Filó and De Maria, playing in a revolutionary tactical scheme for the 20's, didn't respect nobody.

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